Freemasonry is one of the oldest social and charitable organisations in the world, Freemasonry's roots lie in the traditions of the medieval stonemasons who built our cathedrals and castles.
Freemasonry is all about building character and supporting members as individuals. It's these foundations that allow members to develop themselves, from increased self-confidence to transferable skills.
104 Cadzow Street, Hamilton
Mock degree followed by Committee Meeting
104 Cadzow Street, Hamilton
104 Cadzow Street, Hamilton
Mock degree followed by Harmony.
104 Cadzow Street, Hamilton
To attract those from all backgrounds and walks of life.
To give people the opportunity and the social connections to become a well rounded and confident individual.
Hamilton Lodge 233 of Freemasons was found in 1810. The formation of the lodge was perhaps brought on by the industrial revolution which caused the population to almost double in just over half of a century. With this boom in population came an increase in industry; Farming, quarrying, the production of leather, with the attendant industry of shoemaking.
Whether it was from the increase in population of like-minded men of independent mind and initiative, or the vagary associated with human nature, a number of brethren formally withdrew from the Hamilton Kilwinning Lodge and opened a dialogue of exploratory meetings and discussions. This resulted in a founding committee being formed and therefor led to the founding of Hamilton Lodge No. 307.
Following changes in the Lodge numbering system, Lodge Hamilton was eventually re-numbered as No.233
Read more about our history under the "more about us" tab at the top of the page